Thursday, 24 May 2012

On their way.

The summit push on everest has begun for the Jagged globe team, have heard from Ian, he's feeling good, the wind speeds are much higher than predicted but he had an excellent climb up to the South Col and has been trying to get some rest this afternoon. The easiest place for updates on his progress will be the Spot2 tracker, although don't worry if signal is lost, as there is potential for this around the south summit. Also the Jagged Globe website will be updating throughout the evening with progress, follow this link:
We wish them all the best of luck, will try and update when we know more.


  1. HUGE congratulations Ian on your massive achievement. I think I echo the sentiments of the Everest 2010 team when I say, WELL DONE MATE! and, CANT WAIT TO CATCH UP when you're back at sea level. Congratulations again. Really very proud of all you've achieved this season.

    1. Dear Heather,

      Thank you so much.

      Looking forward to catching up with everyone again this November.

      All the best

