Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Lukla to Monjo

Having set our alarm for 4.00 am this morning to be ready for breakfast at 4.30am we woke to discover that there was a power cut. These apparently happen regularly in the early hours to try and save not only money but to service the ancient infrastructure.

Kathmandu airport is a hectic place at the best of times but it's just as manic at 6.00 in the morning as people fight for an early flight to Lukla.

Thankfully we were on about the fourth flight out. For those who haven't experienced the delights of landing at Lukla probably the best analogy I can make is that it's a bit like landing on an aircraft carrier except there is no arrester wire and instead of water there is a solid concrete wall if you don't brake in time. I'm sure the run way is shorter than that on the USS Nimitz! No wonder it's been ranked as the worlds most dangerous airport in a recent TV documentary. At least this time there was no wreckage swept off to the side but it is early in the season!
Let's hope that's not aviation fuel beneath our plane
A dusty and undulating trail hugs the steeply sided valley along which the Dudi Kosi flows. It criss crosses the river via metal suspension bridges where if you are sensible you always give way to the yaks. Along the way we've seen stunning flowering Magnolia trees and Rhododendron bushes. Local toddlers appear to play happily amongst the dirt and yak dung outside their single story wooden homes that are more a kin to a glorified shack than a house. They always have the widest of smiles when you say 'hello'.

The afternoon turned cloudy but at least the rain held. We've arrived at our lodge ahead of our main bags and are currently trying to keep warm. The wood burning stove, the only source of heat in the dining room and indeed the whole establishment, won't be lit for another hour and a half. We shouldn't complain as its only going to get colder - its just the extremes of temperature as soon as the sun disappears.

Waiting for the fire to be lit
Looking forward to a good nights sleep.

Don't forget to check out the interactive map page to see exactly where we are.

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